Wednesday, 13 April 2011
I knew it Wood happen
Many people have told me, and I have thought myself, that I am in with a good chance of one of those nice-looking Phylloscopus warbles with a coin-dropping song - they even bred at the patch until the 70s. Usual story: I nearly didn't check Pages Acre this morning but something diverted me that way. I was just about to move on when I heard a strange song from the vegetation 'ha . . . sounded like a Wood Warbler' I joked with myself. It sang again 'mmm . . . it does sound like a Wood Warbler'. I wanted to hear it one more time before I let the news out - it sang again and so out came the phone and I ran round the other side, dropping my scope in the process. I located the bird along the west edge and my very shaky hands managed to take a recognisable record shot (1st photo).
Badgeman and Eagle soon arrived on the scene - the bird gave a few brief bursts of song but remained unseen. Eagle had to leave for work and about half an hour later Badge and I were enjoying good views of the bird silently feeding in a birch tree - I managed a few slightly better photos.
Badge and I then walked most of the farm and some of the Woods. The highlights being a displaying Lapwing and seven Wheatears. Nick & Russell Gardner arrived and showed us their very gripping shots from Scotland but had no luck with the bird. Other people who tried for it included P-Go, Factor and David 'Farthing' Hayes. When I was skywatching from the Watchpoint I picked up CFBW's first House Martin of the year flying north.
Another good day - I wonder how long this run of birds will last?
Canons Farm & Banstead Woods Life List: 103
Canons Farm & Banstead Woods Year List 2011: 83 (67 at this point last year)