I had a very brief visit to Beddington around mid-day, mainly to have lunch and kill the hour spare I had - didn't see too much in my brief session other than two Shelducks and the usual Tree Sparrows, Lapwings and assorted ducks. I returned to college and on the bus back I got a text from Dodge about a first-winter Kittiwake on the main lake at Beddington. I'm proud to say I've found my own at Beddington, an adult last February, but that was a fly-by so the prospect of seeing a grounded local bird was appealing. Dad was done with the car for the day so I drove to Beddington as soon as I got home and found the bird sitting in the south-east corner of the main lake and being very approachable. However, this was mainly because it was clearly knackered as you can see just by looking at the pics. I hope it manages to rest overnight and get where it needs to be.