This morning's visit started well with a surprise juvenile Sedge Warbler near the farmhouse - a patch mega, this being only the second record. Unfortunately, like the first bird, it stayed long enough for me to watch it through the binoculars for a few seconds but not for me to switch to the SLR and get a record shot. It was quite a vocal bird, and ended up moving into the Canons Farmhouse garden. A Common Snipe, possibly two, flew over calling, unseen and later on I found a Spotted Flycatcher along Slangs. Common Whitethroats and Blackcaps are becoming hard to come by so it was nice to find one of each of these warblers today. A handful of Meadow Pipits were moving through.
Yesterday, I had a noisy first-winter male Common Redstart at The Scrub and a Common Swift flew over the farm, possibly my latest anywhere. There was more Meadow Pipit movement yesterday, too, with around 35 birds.