I made the most of my first non-twitching and non-working day since coming home from uni for Christmas and caught up on some sleep today, only getting up early in the afternoon. I figured the best use of my time might be a quick look at the gulls at Beddington, with the primary target being the recent first-year Iceland Gull (or any other white-winger). I didn't have any such luck, although the bird was seen by someone else. I was quite content, though, with the two first-winter
Caspian Gulls that I picked out on the landfill site. Both rather different individuals, the first being quite large and thickset in the body, with dark wing coverts (as well as a stain on its throat) and the other bird being a little daintier and less dark on the wings. Apologies for the crap record shots, I'm still stuck with the Mighty Midget for the time-being and it's hardly the best for digiscoping...
The chunky one with darker wing coverts |
The smaller, paler bird |