Sunday, 19 December 2010
Rewards already
Two days into my mad patching fortnight and I've got myself a tick. I was with Roy Weller and Ian Jones and we found a flock of c.170 Lesser Redpolls at Lunch Wood, Canons Farm. After sifting through the Lessers I picked out a pale bird (only showing its underside) that Roy agreed looked interesting but it took flight before further details could be noted. With dire consequences, he went to answer the call of nature and I picked up the same or another bird again. I got a more prolonged look at its underparts and face which were pale and lacked any brown/buff tones. To my delight it turned around, showing its equally frosty and pale upperparts with white braces running along the mantle. I was sure it was a Mealy but wanted to see its rump before I risked losing the bird by handing the scope to Ian. A little flutter revealed the striking paleness of this feature but the whole flock then took to the air, chattering away and flew north before Ian could get a look. Compared to nearby Lesser Redpolls it stuck out like a sore thumb and was my first 'classic' grey bird.
Canons life list: 96
Canons 2010 list: 96