Over the summer I have been looking for Crossbills at the patch, this has now been achieved. Meanwhile, I have been pursuing a butterfly there: Silver-washed Fritillary. I have been looking for these almost as hard as I have been for Crossbills and today it paid off.
I seldom visit Fames Rough seeing as visiting it involves negotiating a very steep decent; I've lost my footing there a couple of times. That's something you don't want to do when there's a large quantity of big and jagged flint specimens lying around. Also, I don't find climbing back up notable gradients particularly easy. I did it today, though, in the hope of a frit. A Brown Argus raised my hopes but the sun subsequently went in, to my disgruntlement. However, after pausing at the west end for just a couple of minutes I noticed a large orange thing land a few few away - it was indeed a Silver-washed Fritillary! I actually ticked this species off a couple of weeks ago when one circled close around me for ages, but never settled. However, this is the first time that I've acquired satisfactory views of a settled example. Photo attached. Purple Emperor next . . .
The bird highlight today was very unexpected: just as I was heading home I caught sight of a juvenile Peregrine flushing Woodpigeons from the north end of Broadfield. I also heard a female Tawny Owl calling near Piddly Pond (they're often heard there in the daytime). I pinpointed which tree the sound was coming from and grilled it. Nothing. I give up.
all things Canons Farm: cfbwbirds.blogspot.com