Saturday, 23 March 2013

Snowy spring day

Liam's down at the moment; today was our local day. We started with the Mickleham Hawfinches, with about 45 birds seen, plus three Marsh Tits. The weather was atrocious so we chose the relative shelter of the hide at Beddington over the open fields of Canons, getting only two Shelducks, the usual Tree Sparrows and a Green Sandpiper of any note. The wind was blowing the snow right into the hide so we cowered away over to McDonald's for a while, before the weather calmed and we finally made it to Canons Farm. Here we beholded the most incongruous sight of the male Wheatear trying to feed in the snow - poor thing... also showing was the Barn Owl was in its usual barn. Little else was on offer (the Red-legged Partridge also showed), but it was good to catch up with Steve, Jamie and Ian.
Wheatear at Canons Farm in the snow!!!
Hawfinch, Juniper Bottom