Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Mallydams field trip

From Monday to Friday last week I was on an Ecology field trip near Hastings at Mallydams Wood. It was pretty good fun doing wildlife work out in the field with my fellow students, mainly looking at woodland mammals and plants but I took charge of the trip's bird list which finished on 36 with fairly low effort. Highlights included Firecrest and Brambling as well as the very inquisitive and locally famous Jay that would greet you as you walk through the woods by dive-bombing you on the head from behind then followed you around as you work. Early on the Tuesday morning I escaped to the Hemsted Forest and successfully located the flock of six Parrot Crossbills before I had to dash back to the field centre. This was a second attempt; on Sunday 20th I visited and briefly saw the male TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL but failed to get a satisfactory look at a Parrot. All good fun, such a shame that my hacking cough spoiled the week to a degree!

The Parrot Crossbills early on a Tuesday morning in the Hemsted Forest
You couldn't move in Mallydams Wood without this guy checking things out
We checked Hazel Dormouse boxes pre-hibernation