Leith Hill 07:00-11:25: Tower watch. Low cloud and poor visibility with F3-4 southwesterly.
Mute Swan |
3 |
Pheasant |
Present |
Sparrowhawk |
2 |
Herring Gull |
15 |
Stock Dove |
3 |
Woodpigeon |
Present |
Magpie |
Present |
Jay |
Present |
Jackdaw |
Present |
Rook |
Present |
Carrion Crow |
Present |
Raven |
2 |
Goldcrest |
Present |
Blue Tit |
Present |
Great Tit |
Present |
Marsh Tit |
3 |
Long-tailed Tit |
Present |
Chiffchaff |
1 |
Nuthatch |
Present |
Treecreeper |
1 |
Wren |
Present |
Ring Ouzel |
9 |
Blackbird |
Present |
Song Thrush |
3 |
Redwing |
222 |
Robin |
Present |
Dunnock |
Present |
Pied/White Wagtail |
4 |
Meadow Pipit |
14 |
Brambling |
3 |
Chaffinch |
Present |
Bullfinch |
1 |
Greenfinch |
4 |
Linnet |
2 |
Goldfinch |
3 |
Siskin |
9 |
Coldharbour Lane, Dorking 11:30