Thursday, 11 May 2017

Birmingham and Middleton Lakes RSPB, 9th May 2017; Canons Farm and Beddington Farmlands, 11th May 2017

Back in the Midlands for work on Tuesday, a Yellow Wagtail flew over central Birmingham in the early morning and I took another chance to walk around Middleton Lakes, listening to three Cuckoos, including a female, and a variety of common warblers including five Garden Warblers. On the scrapes were two Ringed Plovers, a Dunlin, a Common Sandpiper, a Little Ringed Plover, two Mediterranean Gulls and a few Avocets. Perhaps 300 Swifts swirled around overhead, along with 10 House Martins (worryingly, my highest count anywhere so far this spring!). Four or so Common Terns were also busying themselves.

Common Terns at Middleton Lakes
Today, I started with a walk around Canons. It was evident that it was still very much off its past form. Birding there has been a challenge this spring. However, a showy Garden Warbler, a personal patch year tick, cheered things up. A quick afternoon trip to Beddington yielded highlights of Yellow Wagtail, Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper.

Garden Warbler at Canons