Thursday, 7 September 2017

Beddington Farmlands and Ferring, 7th September 2017

I spent three hours at Beddington this morning, briefly in the company of Christian C, Mike N and Frank P. The highlight was being given the opportunity to process a re-trap Cetti's Warbler which had flown into the mist-nets that Mike and Frank were running. There was a suggestion of overhead movement into the light southwesterly wind with eight Yellow Wagtails and 13 Meadow Pipits tallied by the time I left mid-morning to get my jabs for Ethiopia. We also enjoyed some spectacular views of a hunting Hobby throwing some shapes over the mound. After my jabs, I headed down to see Ingrid and we had a couple of Yellow Wagtails in the furrowed field by the Asda in Ferring.