Friday, 15 September 2017

Beddington Farmlands and Staines Reservoirs, 15th September 2017

I spent the morning at Beddington with Christian and Magnus. I was pleased to pick out my first Caspian Gull of the season, a smart 1cy which had mostly moulted its mantle/scapulars. A juvenile Wood Sandpiper was the first decent bird I had seen on the enclosed lagoons for longer than I care to remember, nicely picked out by Christian. Other bits included two Wigeon, 19 Gadwall, 57 Teal, five Cormorants, 56 Shovelers, two Little Egrets, two Buzzards, 24 Lapwings, two Green Sandpipers, three Snipe, a late Swift, a Sand Martin, 46 House Martins, 15 Swallows, three Cetti's Warblers, two Yellow Wagtails, two Grey Wagtails and a movement of 120 Meadow Pipits.

1cy Caspian Gull at Beddington
 Mag and I continued to Staines Reservoirs where we joined Franko M, Lee E and others to pick through the offerings... A Grey Phalarope showing on the North Basin was easily the highlight, with most of the birds on the South Basin being frustratingly distant. These, however, included at least four Curlew Sandpipers and three Knot, a Golden Plover, two Greenshanks, three Ruff, a Green Sandpiper and good numbers of Dunlin and Ringed Plovers. A Red Kite was circling in the distance and a few Sand Martins flew through.