Having got back in the early hours from the Barra twitch, I was late to get going in the morning but joined Geoff B at Canons just before midday for a couple of hours. A Hobby and the regular adult male Peregrine were the best features of our walk, plus a few Meadow Pipits. Around 200 Swallows were feeding over Broadfield.
I went down to the Sussex coast to see Ingrid later on but sneaked in a quick exploratory visit to the area between Goring and Ferring. Three Mediterranean Gulls were in the fields and fly-pasts at sea included a Common Tern, 11 Sandwich Terns and two Gannets. A congregation of waders on the beach included 46 Sanderlings, 78 Turnstones and 80 Ringed Plovers. There were two Wheatears on the wooden groynes.