Thursday, 2 November 2017

Beddington Farmlands, 2nd November 2017

I set aside today for catching up with neglected errands since my Ethiopian trip and caught up with most of what needed doing in the afternoon but I made sure that I didn't waste some potential birding time, in the morning paying my first visit to Beddington for what has been too long. Unfortunately, it was a total pea-souper for the first half of the morning, forcing me to hold off from my planned walk and wait it out at the hide which had the benefit of catching up with Dave S and Steve T. Anyway, my highlights over the course of the morning included three Yellow-legged Gulls (an adult and two first-winters), a fly-over Brambling, two Water Rails, a Chiffchaff, two Fieldfares, a Pochard, two redpolls, a Reed Bunting and five Skylarks.

first-winter Yellow-legged Gull (bird 1)
first-winter Yellow-legged Gull (bird 2)
adult Yellow-legged Gull