Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Goring, 21st November 2017

Back in Sussex, I headed out to Goring for the morning where I saw the beach at low tide for first time. I hadn't realised the extent of the potential feeding area on offer for waders here at low tide and scanning along the beach revealed new patch species for me in the form of a Knot and a couple of Redshanks. Apparently Knot isn't particularly common here. While Sanderling and Ringed Plover numbered remained low, at 23 and eight respectively, other species provided reasonable totals: 69 Grey Plovers roosted along with 203 Dunlin and feeding along the shore were 90 Turnstones and 57 Oystercatchers.

A Kingfisher calling along the beach was soon spotted surveying its hunting ground from one of the groynes. I counted 11 Mediterranean Gulls and other bits included four Dark-bellied Brent Geese, a Common Scoter, a Guillemot and the low totals of 14 Red-breasted Mergansers and three Great Crested Grebes. Three Kittiwakes and 28 Gannets moved west. The two Stonechats were still in the rough field and a Chiffchaff was in the woods on the east side while the fields held six Skylarks and 15 Pied Wagtails. Seven Goldcrests were dotted about and a Rook flew over.

Part of today's high tide roost
the Knot roosting later in the morning
the beach at Goring Gap at low tide
Grey Plovers
adult Mediterranean Gull
Common Gulls, with Mediterranean and Black-headed thrown in