Thursday, 14 December 2017

Goring/Ferring, 14th December 2017

It was great fun counting the waders today, with strong totals of 159 Sanderlings, 129 Turnstones and 355 Dunlin, along with a Redshank, 53 Grey Plovers, 50 Ringed Plovers and 52 Oystercatchers. Six Mediterranean Gulls in the area were all adults but for a second-winter and 77 Common Gulls were along the shore. Highlights at sea included a Common Scoter, a Teal, 41 Gannets, 46 Kittiwakes, seven Red-throated Divers, 20 Red-breasted Mergansers, four Great Crested Grebes, five Guillemots and a further 27 distant auks in the haze zone. I heard the Treecreeper in the Plantation.

For some reason it had taken me until this morning to venture over the Ferring Rife and I was much impressed by the potential of the habitat there, which will surely be bustling with life come the spring, or perhaps even during a cold snap this winter. Sightings there today included a Snipe, a Water Rail, a Grey Wagtail, three Redwings, three Pheasants, a Grey Heron, a Sparrowhawk, a Green Woodpecker, three Song Thrushes and a Moorhen.

Sanderlings (and Grey Plover) at Goring
2nd-winter Mediterranean Gull with Black-headed and Herring Gulls at Goring