Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Goring and West Worthing

I went out for an enjoyable evening in the pub with Nick B and Gareth J last night, the weather was uninspiring today and I still had some jobs to catch up on so thought I'd postpone my patch visit till the afternoon. While pottering around at home I heard the Firecrest again in my West Worthing garden. When I got out to the Gap, the 2CY Iceland Gull was showing nicely again, this time in the northern fields and coming in to chips thrown by unwitting passers by. Eight Mediterranean Gulls (including a 2CY and two 3CYS) were also around and some were quite vocal. A Jackdaw flew over and a Goldcrest was in one of the gardens. Three Skylarks were in the fields. Singles of Grey Plover and Ringed Plover in the roost field were the only waders during my casual visit. A Buzzard was over the hills to the north and stuff offshore in a quick look included a Red-throated Diver, five Great Crested Grebes, four Red-breasted Mergansers, three Gannets, four Sandwich Terns and a Kittiwake.

2CY Iceland Gull at Goring Gap

2CY Iceland Gull at Goring Gap

adult Great Black-backed Gulls at Goring