Friday, 16 March 2018

St. James's Park, Nonsuch Park and Beddington Farmlands

A long and busy but enjoyable day saw me start by meeting up with Bill H and co for another session of Coot ringing at St. James's Park. This session wasn't as productive as last time but we did still catch four birds. A couple of Little Grebes, a Nuthatch and two Coal Tits were probably the most notable wild birds noted but it was entertaining hand-feeding drake Smew and Hooded Merganser! Later on I met Christian and Josiah C for a chilled walk around Nonsuch Park, highlights being interacting female Sparrowhawks and courting Green Woodpeckers; with this breeding behaviour and the gentle conditions it really felt like spring! We reconvened at Beddington later, racking up five Green Sandpipers and a Water Pipit in the Southeast Corner, along with a handful of Snipe and two Shelducks, plus a fly-over Red Kite, a Buzzard, two Cetti's Warblers and small numbers of Fieldfares and Redwings. It was a joy to see and hear displaying Lapwings, too. We joined Tomos B, Koje and Ms Koje for an owling session, resulting in a magical twilight encounter with two Barn Owls, a memborable end to the day!

Rose-ringed Parakeet at Nonsuch Park

Green Sandpipers at Beddington Farmlands

Redwing at Beddington Farmlands