Monday, 9 April 2018

Goring, Ferring Rife and Carlton Marshes

Starting at Ferring Rife produced my first two Willow Warblers of the year (also a patch tick), as well as a Grey Heron, four Moorhens, a Sandwich Tern, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, a Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, four Skylarks, three Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap and five Meadow Pipits. Walking back to the Gap, my first patch and 2018 Little Tern performed offshore and there seemed to be a small arrival of migrants, four Wheatears dropping in and the bushes holding another Willow Warbler and four Blackcaps. The 2CY Iceland Gull showed at close range in the southwestern field. Other birds included eight Red-breasted Mergansers, 32 Turnstones, 50 Sanderlings, eight Sandwich Terns, three Chiffchaffs, two Skylarks, a Goldcrest, a Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, three Meadow Pipits and a Linnet.

With positive news from Suffolk, it was action stations and I headed to London to pick up Magnus A en-route to Carlton Marshes. Our timing was epic, the AMERICAN BITTERN taking flight with a Bittern just as we drew up to the crowd, most of whom had been waiting 10+ hours! Two Barn Owls were a welcome bonus, a couple of Marsh Harriers were quartering, five Snipe took flight and a Swallow flew through before we headed home triumphant!

male Wheatear at Goring Gap

2CY Iceland Gull at Goring Gap

American Bittern (left) with Bittern at Carlton Marshes