Tuesday, 19 June 2018

South Walney and Lakes NP

A short morning walk around South Walney featured Sand Martins, Reed Buntings, Sedge Warblers, Meadow Pipits and a family of Little Grebes. The reserve's legendary leucistic Curlew graced us with an appearance. Later on we did some birding from a road just into the Lakes National Park, seeing singles of Osprey and Red Kite, and enjoying the sound of a Willow Warbler and three Reed Buntings singing while House Martins, Swallows and Swifts fed over the boggy area. A Siskin and a couple of redpolls flew over. We saw 11 Buzzards, two Kestrels and a handful of commuting Little Egrets and Grey Herons.

An evening seawatch back at South Walney produced 114 Manx Shearwaters, 93 Common Scoters, any Eiders, five Red-breasted Mergansers, four Kittiwakes, two Guillemots, a few Gannets and a scattering of Little and Sandwich Terns, plus a lone Arctic. Small-ish flocks of Sanderlings and Knots patrolled the beach, along with a rather fewer Dunlin, while a Ringed Plover was busy displaying.

leucistic Curlew at South Walney

Swallows in the Lake District NP