Lately some mornings have offered plenty of
Mediterranean Gulls and other days the species have been in curiously short supply. This was a good morning, with 58 birds noted during my visit, including some active movers, mainly in a westerly direction (where some
Black-headed Gulls were heading too). Two
Willow Warblers were in the bushes and a
Grey Wagtail flew west; a
Pied Wagtail also flew over.
Swifts and hirundines trickled through in small numbers, with 18
Swifts, five
Sand Martins and 21
Swallows migrating across the fields. Singles adults of
Lesser Black-backed and
Common Gull were seen, and the beach held a
Whimbrel, a
Redshank, seven
Oystercatchers and 11
Little Egrets.
At home in West Worthing, 12
Mediterranean Gulls flew over in the evening - just my second record here and possibly birds coming inland for flying ants? Also five
Swifts still, and a couple of
Long-tailed Tits were relatively unusual visitors.
Willow Warbler - autumn is here! |