Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Goring, Brighton and West Worthing

The best migrant during my walk around Goring Gap was a Spotted Flycatcher in the hedge by the sports field. Other grounded migrants were in short supply, with two Wheatears, just five Willow Warblers, a couple of Blackcaps and three Whitethroats - the latter two species quite possibly still represented by locals. A total of 16 Sand Martins and a Swallow flew west. Birds on the beach included 27 Little Egrets, 15 Oystercatchers, 26 Ringed Plovers, 39 Turnstones, 10 adult Sanderlings, four Dunlin and singles of Mediterranean Gull, Common Gull and juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gull. A glance out to sea revealed a Fulmar, three Gannets and seven Sandwich Terns.

Spotted Flycatcher at Goring Gap

Later in the day, a Swift flew over the Wyevale Garden Centre on the outskirts of Brighton, along with three House Martins. Back home, we were greeted by a brief Hummingbird Hawkmoth in our West Worthing garden.