Tuesday, 7 August 2018


I've been eager to get out to the patch but gone through one of those spells recently where I've not been able to make it for a week or so for various reasons. Thoroughly gripped off and inspired - in equal measure - by Gareth's Nightingale last night, I was hopeful for the morning. It wasn't quite the feast I was dreaming of but there were a handful of migrants on offer, including singles of Whinchat, Garden Warbler and Reed Warbler, along with seven Willow Warblers. A Treecreeper was in the Plantation and two Pied Wagtails flew over. Four Whitethroats were probably still local birds and seven Swallows flew east. Non-passerines included two Grey Herons, two Little Egrets, a Redshank, six Turnstones, a Ringed Plover, three Mediterranean Gulls, six Common Gulls, two Sandwich Terns and six Gannets.
