Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Goring and Worthing

Nine Whimbrel were a nice surprise on the beach this morning before they headed east. Counting the Little Egrets led to an impressive tally of 40, while Oystercatchers numbered just 10. A Grey Heron was also feeding and I heard a Redshank. The northwest corner held a female Redstart and a Spotted Flycatcher. Five Whitethroats were noted and I logged just singles of Willow Warbler and Blackcap. Four Yellow Wagtails and two Grey Wagtails flew over, as did nine Sand Martins and six Swallows. 20 Sandwich Terns were using the roost field, along with 53 Ringed Plovers, two adult Sanderlings, a juvenile Dunlin and 89 Turnstones. Nine Mediterranean Gulls included five northbound birds, and four Common Gulls were seen. Four Great Crested Grebes were resting just offshore, while a tight group of six Cormorants was feeding. Three Jackdaws were notable and a Coal Tit was heard in the northwest corner.

Spotted Flycatcher

six of nine Whimbrel

A Sparrowhawk flew over my road in West Worthing later in the day.