Friday, 31 August 2018


Movement was evident as soon as the whistle blew this morning, maintained full flow until mid-morning and trickled on till about midday. I ended up with 260 Yellow Wagtails through, almost entirely east (and including flocks of up to 42), with 1,180 Swallows, 70 Sand Martins, 23 House Martins, a Swift and two Meadow Pipits heading the same way. Nine Grey Wagtails added further spice to the day as they clinked overhead and a single Pied Wagtail headed west. A juvenile Red Kite cruised west and a couple of glances offshore revealed a Shelduck and a Gannet. Grounded migrants included three Redstarts, a Tree Pipit, a Whinchat, four Wheatears, a Willow Warbler, seven Whitethroats and a Blackcap. The Treecreeper was calling in the Plantation, where a Coal Tit was singing. A flock of 17 Dunlin flew strongly inland and other wader counts included seven Oystercatchers, 36 Ringed Plovers, 70 Turnstones and 13 Sanderlings. 15 Sandwich Terns entered the roost field and 22 Little Egrets and three Common Gulls were also noted.


female Redstart - the other two were 1CY males

juvenile Red Kite
