Sunday, 11 August 2019

Beddington Farmlands

Having stopped off at my parents' last night, I took up Roy Weller's invitation to join him in checking out the dawning of a new era back in my homelands at Beddington Farmlands. The public footpath on the west side now leads to three well-positioned screen-style hides overlooking the Southern Lake, Northern Lake and the new main wet grassland area. As well as catching up with Roy, it was great to see Peter Alfrey, Nic Tidmarsh, Dodge and Mrs Dodge.

The visit was also surprisingly productive bird-wise. Roy picked out a juvenile Turnstone on the Northern Lake, where a juvenile Dunlin, a Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper and a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull were among the other birds present. There were many broods of Little Grebe scattered around the lakes and, moving on to the wet grassland, where I noticed a juvenile Caspian Gull (though imperfect in some respects and presumably from some filthy western colony). Two Cetti's Warblers, a Reed Warbler, seven Greylags and two Swifts were among the other birds seen, along with the usual Teal, Gadwall and Shoveler.

juvenile Caspian-type Gull

juvenile Yellow-legged Gull

juvenile Dunlin (left) with Green Sandpiper

juvenile Turnstone