Highlights at Hastings Country Park with Christian included a
Grasshopper Warbler, a female
Redstart, four
Lesser Whitethroats, two
Spotted Flycatchers, a
Whinchat, a
Wheatear, three
Tree Pipits, three
Yellow Wagtails, two
Grey Wagtails, 100
Meadow Pipits, a
Bullfinch, three
Yellowhammers, seven
Stonechats, a
Nuthatch, eight
Whitethroats, 40
Blackcaps, 30
Chiffchaffs and good numbers of hirundines, including 14
Sand Martins.
Sandwich Tern and
Gannet were offshore and raptors included eight
Buzzards and a
We stopped at the quirky Tic Tocery cafe in Pett where
House Martins were still attending active nests, and a
Sparrowhawk and a
Kestrel battled for airspace.
Pannel Valley NR was depressing, with the scrape dry, but we did note two
Bearded Tits, a
Marsh Harrier, a
Raven, a couple of
Sparrowhawks, a
Sand Martin among further hirundines moving, 95
Lapwings, a
Cetti's Warbler, two
Shelducks, two
Whitethroats, a
Grey Wagtail, three
Meadow Pipits, a
Wheatear, three
Nuthatches and a
Reed Bunting.
Dungeness RSPB offered a fine end to the day. The ARC Pit offered four
Garganey, two juvenile
Black Terns, an adult
Little Gull, a
Cattle Egret, a
Great White Egret, two
Snipe, four
Dunlin, four
Ruff, three
Black-tailed Godwits, 160
Golden Plovers, two
Common Sandpipers, a
Greenshank, three
Pintail, a
Sedge Warbler, etc. Burrowes Pit provided a
Black-necked Grebe, two 1cy
Caspian Gulls, two
Yellow-legged Gulls (2cy and 1cy) and a further
Great White Egret. Three
Cetti's Warblers were heard. The entrance track had
Whinchats and two
Wheatears for our way out.
Whinchats at Dungeness RSPB |
Cattle Egret at Dungeness RSPB |
Golden Plovers at Dungeness RSPB |
Great White Egret at Dungeness RSPB |
1cy Caspian Gull at Dungeness RSPB |