A morning walk at Highdown featured a
Reed Bunting, six
Stonechats, four
Yellow Wagtails, 62
Meadow Pipits, two
Bullfinches, seven
Goldcrests, a
Whitethroat, 10
Blackcaps, nine
Chiffchaffs, nine
House Martins, 24
Swallows, a
Sand Martin, two
Skylarks, a
Buzzard, a
Kestrel and two
male Stonechat at Highdown - an influx today |
Late in the afternoon I took a brief stroll around Steep Down, logging another six
Stonechats, six
Meadow Pipits, a
Corn Bunting, 70
Linnets, 30
Goldfinches, a
Whitethroat, two
Blackcaps, two
Chiffchaffs, two
Kestrels and a