Friday, 27 September 2019


I only had a couple of hours before I had to leave, and DDL kindly dropped me in Hull. Getting in the field provided a last-minute headline bird, with a Red-rumped Swallow south past Numpties some 20 minutes after it flew over the observatory less than a mile away. The highlight at sea was a reluctant Manx Shearwater which kept pitching down. Little Gulls flocked in the far distance and the usual Red-throated DiversCommon Scoters and auks passed by. The swallow diverted our attention to the amazing vismig action, with Meadow PipitsReed Buntings and Tree Sparrows piling through, while I also noted singles of Yellow WagtailGrey Wagtail and Yellowhammer. I heard a Greenshank on the Humber.