Along my road today, a
Chiffchaff was calling from gardens and a
Meadow Pipit flew over.
The morning's highlights at Highdown were three of both
Spotted Flycatcher and
Redstart, a
Lesser Whitethroat, a
Sand Martin, two
House Martins, 27
Swallows, seven
Whitethroats, 13
Chiffchaffs, 20
Blackcaps, 10
Meadow Pipits, five
Bullfinches, a
Red-legged Partridge, three
Skylarks, a
Goldcrest, a
Sparrowhawk, a
Kestrel and two
female Redstart |
female Redstart |
1cy male Redstart (right) and Spotted Flycatcher |
Spotted Flycatcher |