Sunday, 22 December 2019

Ferring Rife and West Worthing

Feeling I was overdue a visit to Ferring Rife, that's where I went this morning. It was a rather nice day to be out for once, and highlights included a pair of adult Peregrines, a female Sparrowhawk, a Kestrel, a Grey Wagtail, a Little Grebe (scarce here), a Green Woodpecker, a Grey Heron and 16 Moorhens. The most bizarre sight of the morning was two Cormorants quite happily chilling in the middle of a stubble field despite plenty of more 'normal' positions easily available. I've definitely never seen Cormorants in this situation before. A noisy gang of 17 Magpies was another highlight.


Back at home in West Worthing, garden observations included a Firecrest moving through the gardens at a pace, and two Redwings.