Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Sedgeford, Wells, Holkham, Thornham and Burnham Norton

Sedgeford first thing this morning produced fine views of the male EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL on the dung heap by the road. 60 Fieldfares, a Redwing, a Red Kite, a Marsh Harrier and a Yellowhammer were also logged.

male Eastern Yellow Wagtail at Sedgeford

Wells was the next stop, where the faithful juvenile Rough-legged Buzzard was successfully twitched, with two Golden Plovers in a nearby field and skeins of Pink-footed and Dark-bellied Brent Geese flying in (what was presumably the known Black Brant hybrid was clocked among the latter).

Rough-legged Buzzard at Wells

Holkham was rewarding, with nice views of four Shorelarks and 42 Snow Buntings in the roped-off area, while the sea produced four Long-tailed Ducks, several Velvet Scoters among vast rafts of Common Scoters, plus small numbers of Red-breasted Merganser, Red-throated Diver and Great Crested Grebe. Other birds included a field full of 75 Snipe, six Ruff, 12 Grey Partridges, 100 or so Golden Plovers, a White-fronted Goose with Pink-footed Geese, Dark-bellied Brent Geese and two Egyptian Geese and a Fieldfare.

Snow Buntings at Holkham

Shorelark at Holkham

Common Scoters off Holkham

Long-tailed Ducks off Holkham

Velvet Scoters in with Common Scoters off Holkham

Grey Partridges at Holkham

Ruff at Holkham

Snipe at Holkham

Thornham harbour offered the relic winter flock of 10 Twite, along with a Rock Pipit, a couple of Red-breasted Mergansers and trip ticks such as Mediterranean Gull, Bar-tailed Godwit and Grey Plover.

Twite at Thornham harbour

Curlew at Thornham harbour

Today's dusk vigil was at Burnham Norton, where we had a Short-eared Owl, a Great White Egret, a Barn Owl, good numbers of Dark-bellied Brent Geese and Pink-footed Geese, three Cetti's Warblers, a Bearded Tit and four Egyptian Geese.