Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Brooklands Park, Sullington and Goring Gap

Highlights at Brooklands Park this morning included a pair of Sparrowhawks, a Cetti's Warbler, a Reed Bunting, a Grey Wagtail, four Teal, three Little Grebes and two Grey Herons. The Mute Swan family seemed to be breaking up and only three of last year's young seemed to still be on site, two of these venturing up the stream. An adult Mediterranean Gull and around 15 Ringed Plovers were along the beach.

Grey Heron at Brooklands Park

While I waited for Ingrid at her fish tank job in Sullington, my usual short walk was quieter than usual but featured two Redwings, three Buzzards, a Green Woodpecker and two Skylarks.

A five-minute look at Goring Gap at lunchtime produced three adult Mediterranean Gulls.