Friday, 7 February 2020

Buckland Sand Pits and Canons Farm

Ian Magness and I were greeted by thick fog initially at our occasional Buckland Sand Pits walk-round but thankfully it burned off soon enough. We recorded 47 species in a couple of hours, including 30+ Siskins, two Reed Buntings, three Redwings, a Grey Wagtail, 11 Egyptian Geese, nine Wigeon, six Tufted Ducks, four Gadwall, six Little Grebes, a Grey Heron, a Buzzard, a Sparrowhawk, a Kestrel, a Nuthatch, two Green and a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Reed Bunting at Buckland Sand Pits

Sparrowhawk at Buckland Sand Pits

Egyptian Geese at Buckland Sand Pits

A quick dusk walk along the lane at Canons Farm produced c40 Rooks, 45 Fieldfares, two Redwings, nine Yellowhammers, five Skylarks and a Buzzard.