Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Frensham Common, Pulborough Brooks and Goring Gap

A rare foray into Surrey and Frensham Common saw really quite special views of the Great Grey Shrike, showing well at close range for some time, and good looks at a Woodlark and three Dartford Warblers. A Water Rail and a couple of Little Grebes were heard, while a Pochard and three Great Crested Grebes were also among the birds at the Little Pond. Two Treecreepers, a Nuthatch, a singing Mistle Thrush, four Stonechats, a singing Reed Bunting, a couple of Siskins and, lordy, my first redpoll for months (heard flying over), were also noted.

Great Grey Shrike at Frensham Common

Woodlark at Frensham Common

Dartford Warbler at Frensham Common

By the time Pulborough Brooks was reached, the rain set in and it was quiet in general, though the floods were still quite full of wildfowl, including Pintail. What was probably my first migrant Chiffchaff of the year was singing, as was a Bullfinch, a Treecreeper and a cluster of 35 Redwings. A Little Egret, a male Kestrel, two Reed Buntings and two Stonechats were also logged.

A very quick stop at Goring Gap on the way back home delivered four Mediterranean Gulls, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 132 Common Gulls, c30 Dunlin and 11 Grey Plovers.