Wednesday, 1 April 2020

West Worthing and Goring Gap

Observations at home this morning included 20 or so Chaffinches, a Linnet and three Cormorants east, while a Rook was heard, a Coal Tit visited and five Jackdaws flew over. A pair of Blackcaps was next door.

A quick visit to Goring Gap mid-afternoon was rewarded with a 2cy Black Redstart at the pumping station, two adult Mediterranean Gulls east alongside an overland passage of 65 Black-headed Gulls in the same direction, a Blackcap, a Kestrel, two Skylarks, a Pheasant, five Turnstones, four Sanderlings, six Red-breasted Mergansers, two Great Crested Grebes, a Meadow Pipit, and a pair of Chaffinches with a nest under construction.

2cy Black Redstart at Goring Gap