Wednesday, 22 April 2020

West Worthing and Goring Gap

At home, my first two Swifts of the year flew east, one of the Peregrines was around and the Blackcap was in song.

Goring Gap rewarded with a flock of five Greenshanks flying east and my first Garden Warbler and House Martin of the year. Other highlights included a Curlew and 14 Whimbrel east (including a flock of 13 quite low over me), 35 Turnstones, a Wheatear, two Willow Warblers, a singing Treecreeper, eight Oystercatchers, five Sandwich Terns, two Meadow Pipits (one singing), a Gannet and a Whitethroat.

Greenshanks past Goring Gap

Garden Warbler at Goring Gap

Turnstones at Goring Gap