Sunday, 26 April 2020

West Worthing, Brooklands Park, Widewater Lagoon, Adur Estuary, Upper Adur and Steyning

A home one of the Magpies nesting next door was collecting mud from beneath the leak in our pond filter.

Two Whimbrel flew along the beach at Brooklands Park.

At Widewater Lagoon, another Whimbrel was showing nicely with a female Bar-tailed Godwit, while an additional individual of the former species was heard, along with at least one Mediterranean Gull. A Little Egret shared the lagoon.

Bar-tailed Godwit (left) and Whimbrel at Widewater Lagoon

female Bar-tailed Godwit at Widewater Lagoon
Whimbrel at Widewater Lagoon

On the Adur Estuary we had three Little Egrets, two more Whimbrel, a Shelduck and two Oystercatchers.

North of the A27 bridge we heard two singing Lesser Whitethroats as we cycled along, and passed a Little Egret, a Yellowhammer and a Swallow.

Poor timing on my part meant we couldn't stay at Steyning Downland very long so dipped Nightingale again but a Cetti's Warbler was vocal and another Swallow skimmed overhead.