Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Brooklands Park and The Downs

I cycled to Brooklands Park, where an early morning walk in the cold northerlies produced a Common Sandpiper on the raft, a Garden Warbler, two Cetti's Warblers, a Grey Wagtail, a Reed Bunting, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, a Grey Heron, a House Martin, two Reed Warblers, two Swifts, three Swallows and the family of Mute Swans, plus two Oystercatchers along the beach.
Cetti's Warbler at Brooklands Park

Mute Swan family at Brooklands Park

At home in Worthing in the middle of the day, two Mediterranean Gulls flew over and a Blackcap was singing just across the road. A quick trip to the shops produced good views of female Peregrine.

On the downs between No-Man's-Land and Cissbury, Ingrid and I had a Peregrine, a Corn Bunting, four House Martins, seven Swallows, a Mistle Thrush, two Yellowhammers and three Red-legged Partridges.

Skylark near No-Man's-Land