Monday, 29 June 2020

Lyminster and Knepp Wildlands

I just managed to fit in my late BBS visit to the Lyminster square. Being so gusty, the conditions were far from ideal; birds included two Reed Buntings, 15 Swifts overhead, two House Martins, a Sparrowhawk and a Grey Heron.

As a birthday treat, in the afternoon I went to Knepp Wildlands with Ingrid, where we heard a Turtle Dove purring and caught a glimpse of another in flight. A Great Crested Grebe was accompanied by two young. Among the other birds noted were three Bullfinches, four Treecreepers, a Reed Bunting, a Lesser Whitethroat, a House Martin, two Reed Warblers, two Buzzards, a Grey Heron and a Lesser Black-backed Gull. A newly fledged Blackcap was begging by the side of one of the paths.

Great Crested Grebes at Knepp Wildlands

fledgling Blackcap at Knepp Wildlands