Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Cutthroat Bridge and Welbeck Raptor Watchpoint

Just under an hour after arriving at Cutthroat Bridge, on Derwent Moors east of Ladybower Reservoir in Derbyshire, the now famous juvenile Lammergeier made a sudden and imposing appearance. It went on to perform on-and-off for the next hour, including a couple of really quite close flybys and a good minute under siege by a Buzzard. A flock of 10 Ravens flew through, while two Red Grouse, a Curlew and two Mistle Thrushes were on the slopes across the road. A Willow Warbler was in full voice, while three Siskins, two Sand Martins and two Grey Wagtails flew over.

A stop at the Welbeck Raptor Watchpoint in Nottinghamshire on the way home delivered fine views of a male Honey-buzzard, along with two Goshawks, two Hobbies, a Red Kite, five Buzzards, a Wheatear, 40 House Martins, 20 Sand Martins, a Little Egret, six Great Crested Grebes, a pair of Shelducks with five young, and a singing Reed Bunting.