Saturday, 11 July 2020

Goring Gap, Worthing and Arundel WWT

A quick look at Goring Gap this morning revealed disappointingly few gulls to look through along the beach. A Sandwich Tern was sitting on a buoy, already with a white forecrown, five Little Egrets were feeding and three Mediterranean Gulls blogged around.

Over the garden in Worthing, 13 Swifts were back and I found an active nest site nearby.

In the afternoon, Ingrid and I took the chance to visit Arundel WWT, having booked our visit a few days ago. The highlights were two Cattle Egrets in full breeding fettle and a family party of five Treecreepers. A Hobby, two Red Kites and a Buzzard rode the thermals and recently fledged Sedge and Reed Warblers were in the bushes. Firecrest and Reed Bunting were in song. Two Oystercatchers were stationed where the new exhibits are under construction. Wild ducks included eight Gadwall and a Shoveler, while two Egyptian Geese snoozed and two Bullfinches piped away. The Sand Martin colony was quiet but four zipped around the reserve, with a Swallow. It was amusing two watch a Canada Goose make seed fall from a passerine feeder for it and its single gosling by tugging at the bottom of it.

Cattle Egrets and Mandarin at Arundel WWT

lateral-thinking Canada Goose and awestruck Mallard at Arundel WWT

Treecreepers at Arundel WWT

Oystercatcher at Arundel WWT