Leading the CFBW Bird Group's Autumn Migration Tour was a challenge in the cold northerlies, but we found two Wheatears, 20 Swallows and three Meadow Pipits at Canons Farm, while Banstead Woods offered a Siskin and a Willow Warbler. A small flock of Goldfinches picking at the mortar on the carport - as they do here - included two birds with rings.
An evening walk at Beddington was disappointing. The water levels on the lakes were high and the 'wet grassland' still had not a blade more grass than when it was first dug. Chiffchaffs outnumbered Willow Warblers, with 15 and three respectively, while two Cetti's Warblers sang and a Sand Martin, 10 Swifts and three Swallows hawked over the North Lake. I heard a Green Sandpiper, and wildfowl included seven Shovelers and four Egyptian Geese.