Saturday, 22 August 2020

Pendeen Watch and Dawlish Warren NNR

I wasn't initially planning on spending a second night but Liam, Matt and I thought we'd give Pendeen a casual go in the morning. Unfortunately, we played it a little too casual, getting there at 8.20am: just after the main action had finished. Still, we had three Balearic Shearwaters, two Sooty Shearwaters, 20 Storm-petrels, roughly 20,000 Manx Shearwaters, two Chough, an Arctic Skua, a Bonxie, a Knot, a Sanderling, two Ringed Plovers, a Redshank, 25 Dunlin, 12 Sandwich Terns and a Wheatear.

On the way home I called in at Dawlish Warren, where, fortunately, after a few hours gone to ground, the Melodious Warbler with a damaged eye afforded a couple of fairly brief views. A Willow Warbler and a couple of Stonechats were in the same area.