It was a busy morning's ringing with Val and Finch, as well as Cyndey visiting from the SDOS group. The morning was defined by Siskins, which have been pushing along the coast in decent numbers for a few days now. We succeeded in temping 12 - of the 150 or so that moved through - down into one of the mist nets, the first to be ringed at Cissbury this century! Typically for the time of year, Blackcaps made up most of the numbers, with 85 processed. A Garden Warbler, three Whitethroats, a Bullfinch, 12 Chiffchaffs and a single Willow Warbler were among the other birds trapped. As well as the Siskins, overhead a Tree Pipit, two Yellow Wagtails, three Grey Wagtails, several House Martins and Swallows and a Raven flew through.