Vismig from my garden in the first part of the morning produced two Ravens giving a cronk or two - a garden tick!, a late Swift, at least 11 Crossbills,240 Siskins, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, two Yellow Wagtails, 37 Meadow Pipits, 35 House Martins, a Sand Martin and six Swallows. A Chiffchaff was in the garden.
I met with up Paul Goodman at Cissbury Ring, where highlights included a Hobby, a male Redstart, a Spotted Flycatcher, a Mistle Thrush, 17 Siskins, a Grey Wagtail, 41 House Martins, 27 Swallows and a Red Kite.
A visit to the Adur Estuary in the late afteroon produced two Kingfishers, 17 Lapwings, four Redshanks, a Grey Wagtail, eight Swallows and a Little Egret.