From Monday 1st November 2010-Friday 5th November 2010 I was reluctantly dragged on a compulsory trip to the Isle of Wight which was apparently essential for my A-level Geography course. This mainly involved pointless measurements of the width of rivers and the gradient of beaches as well as putting up with the idiocy and stench of my fellow students constantly for five days. Needless to say I did not enjoy it, as can be told by the expession on my face seen on photos I'm tagged in on facebook, for those who have me as a friend.

In terms of birding I went of a lovely walk along the River Medina each morning before breakfast I also had a nice view of the river from the window in my room and from the breakfast table. This early morning walk was the only time I got to myself and I recorded 47 species in total on the walk over the five days including Mediterranean Gull, Water Rail, Kingfisher, Redshank, Curlew, Common Buzzard, Siskin and Little Egret.
One of the staff at the centre I stayed at was a very keen IoW birder and it was interesting talking to him about the birds of the island. He told me about how there was a Bluethroat a few years ago along the walk that I did. That's about the only semi-interesting stuff about the trip, I'm glad I don't have any other compulsory geography trips!