Sunday, 26 December 2010


A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was nice at the patch today but it turns out I missed an unseasonal Red Kite. Worse, though, was the fact that Roy and I almost certainly got on an adult Great Black-backed Gull but didn't quite get enough on it, this was then followed by what was almost certainly a Firecrest in the fading light that was calling away but refusing to show properly. Had the force been with me I would have got to 100 for the patch this afternoon. On the bright side if the Firecrest lingers tomorrow I will nail it and I stand a good chance of getting a GBB Gull over the next few days, if not tomorrow, if I do the right thing. Oh, I also almost certainly had a Waxwing this morning over the farmhouse but it was heard only so I couldn't eliminate the possibility of that mental Greenfinch.

I hope you all had a good Christmas and will enjoy a happy New Year. I for one am having fun with my new Canon S95 which is quite warm when it comes to digiscoping.