Thursday, 23 December 2010

Freeze thaw action

The ice is slowly melting and today resulted in/coincided with a bit of movement at Canons Farm, providing me with two patch ticks.

As I was approaching the 'watchpoint' I heard a Waxwing call but couldn't see the bird. A couple of weeks ago I claimed (but didn't tick) one on call at Canons but further encounters led me to believe that this was probably down to a very confused Greenfinch. I thought it likely that this would explain the call this morning but a quick scan just in case was rewarded with views of a beautiful Waxwing perched on a dead tree before it flew off north east, veering to the east and out of view. A great bird and nice get back from Mark who had five over recently. Wonderful!

Roy Weller rang just after the bird flew off and advised that I kept an eye out for Curlew and about ten minutes later six appeared from nowhere, flying quite low, and appeared to be slowing down and gliding increasingly as if they were about to land but they disappeared behind a big bush and a search drew a blank. Two patch ticks in fifteen minutes, that's quite a rare occurance now!

Canons Farm & Banstead Woods Life List: 98
Canons Farm & Banstead Woods Year List 2010: 98

Wouldn't it be nice to get to 100 before then end of the year?