The weather was miserable today but held some promise so I stuck it out for much of the day. What I clapped eyes on just before 10.00am, though, was certainly not the sort of thing that I was expecting. A male Hen Harrier! The bird afforded good views for a few minutes as it circled the farm, drifted west then took a more southerly leave. It sure was a stunning experience watching this impressive raptor passing over. This is my third bird at the patch, and my remarkably my second this year, following a ringtail earlier this month.
male Hen Harrier |
While I'm at it, here's a few recent images that I've finally got round to getting off the camera...
Red Kite at Banstead Woods on Sunday evening |
Common Buzzard with Carrion Crow at Canons Farm on Saturday |
Garden Warbler at Banstead Woods on May 13th |
Song Thrushes on Reads Rest Lane on May 11th |