Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Another HEN HARRIER! And some recent pics

The weather was miserable today but held some promise so I stuck it out for much of the day. What I clapped eyes on just before 10.00am, though, was certainly not the sort of thing that I was expecting. A male Hen Harrier! The bird afforded good views for a few minutes as it circled the farm, drifted west then took a more southerly leave. It sure was a stunning experience watching this impressive raptor passing over. This is my third bird at the patch, and my remarkably my second this year, following a ringtail earlier this month.

male Hen Harrier

 While I'm at it, here's a few recent images that I've finally got round to getting off the camera...

Red Kite at Banstead Woods on Sunday evening
Common Buzzard with Carrion Crow at Canons Farm on Saturday
Garden Warbler at Banstead Woods on May 13th
Song Thrushes on Reads Rest Lane on May 11th